
We need you (yes, you!) to help rebuild systems of multi-solving support through care team coordination, which is only possible with care for our care givers and trusting relationships.

Sign up for more information and to join in the capacity that speaks to you below.

Join the Neighbor Network Team

We’re still building tools, infrastructure, content - you name it. If you’d like to help make it happen and have some time, we’d love to hear from you.

We’re looking for:

  • experts in resource aggregation and network building for our journey maps;

  • accompaniers to communicate with neighbors who are trying to connect to available resources while collecting qualitative data to know what’s working and what’s needed;

  • healers and sherpas for our care givers to build/coordinate whatever they need for this to be life-giving, joyful work.

Compensation is available.

Calling all Community Service Providers

  • Do you already work with neighbors in crisis?

  • Would extra support from multiple agencies be helpful to provide even more comprehensive care?

  • Have you thought about billing Medicaid for your services, but don’t have the infrastructure to do that yet?

Join the network for additional compensation to sustain this vital work and extra support to help build a team around your client!

Case Conferencing

Not ready to join the network, but would appreciate the no-obligations support from other providers and healers?

Join us via Zoom every other Thursday at 3pm for just thirty minutes to share a specific case or challenging dead-end or whatever it may be! (You can also tune in and listen to see if any new resources or information might be helpful to you.)

“I know that you nearly never receive the recognition that you deserve, because you are truly invisible to the system.

Market solutions do not reach the peripheries, and state protection is hardly visible there. Nor do you have the resources to substitute for its functioning.

You are looked upon with suspicion when through community organization you try to move beyond philanthropy or when, instead of resigning and hoping to catch some crumbs that fall from the table of economic power, you claim your rights.

You often feel rage and powerlessness at the sight of persistent inequalities and when any excuse at all is sufficient for maintaining those privileges.

Nevertheless you do not resign yourselves to complaining: you roll up your sleeves and keep working for your families, your communities, and the common good.

My hope is that governments understand that technocratic paradigms (whether state-centered or market-driven) are not enough to address this crisis or the other great problems affecting humankind.

Now more than ever, persons, communities, and peoples must be put at the center, united to heal, to care and to share.

Your resilience helps me, challenges me, and teaches me a great deal.

— Pope Francis

Not sure where you fit, but want to connect?